Punch through: Open geohazard data for roads

13 Nov 2021, 15:45 UTC+8
25 minutes (w/ Q&A)

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Ricarido Saturay, Jr.

('Punch through' is a term used by the Department of Public Works and Highways when they are able to provide the minimum physical clearance for traffic to pass through a landslide-blocked road.)

While landslide hazards vary spatially along roads, information on these is not an inherent property or feature of currently available road data. This makes it difficult to appreciate the information from the perspective of a road user and/or manager.

Using Python, I append Project NOAH landslide hazard data into OSM road network data for a given province in the Philippines; generate a road map with location-specific landslide hazard ratings; and compute relevant statistics for the roads in the output map.

This work highlights the potential of open data and FOSS in maximizing the use of existing information for specific use cases.


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