27 Nov 2020, 14:15 UTC+8
15 minutes each (plus Q&A)

video on YouTube

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Leonard G. Soriano | Francis Josef Gasgonia | Maning Sambale, Erwin Olario

Pre and Post 3D Representation of Mt. Pinatubo
Leonard G. Soriano

This lightning talk will be about the 3D map and model of Mt. Pinatubo before and after its catastrophic eruption in 1991. By making use of old NAMRIA topogrqphic map and Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), the terrain of the volcano is reconstructed.

Making Maps that Vote for Itself ( How Mt. Isarog became the QGIS 3.14 Pi Splash Screen)
Francis Josef Gasgonia

The session is about how Mt. Isarog became the current QGIS 3.14 Pi splash screen. The talk will also cover concepts about cartography, open data, and map competitions.

OSMaPaaralan: Status of mapping public schools in the Philippines.
Maning Sambale, Erwin Olario

Since late last year, OSM Philippine community initiated the OSMaPaaralan project. This is a nationwide campaign to map public schools in the Philippines. This talk will cover the current status of the project and lessons learned.

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